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TechHub - Texas A&M's Technology Store

Customer Questions

Who can place an order through TechHub?
Only approved purchasers are able to log in and purchase hardware on TechHub. All Texas A&M employees can browse the available hardware without logging in. By placing an order with TechHub, the purchaser confirms they have full authorization from the employee's supervisor and/or finance department to purchase products using approved funds.

Who can browse the TechHub website?
Texas A&M employees can browse available computers, laptops, monitors, and accessories on the TechHub website. At this time, only approved unit purchasers can purchase equipment. Ask your unit's IT director or finance team for information about who can purchase TechHub equipment for your department. All technology purchased through TechHub is owned by the state of Texas and is intended for business use by Texas A&M employees.

Do I need to Log In to shop on TechHub?
No. Any Texas A&M employee can access the TechHub website to browse the products. Only approved purchasers need to log in before they place orders.

How does TechHub select the products offered?
TechHub uses a product selection process that includes input from a TechHub advisory group comprised of IT directors, faculty, and staff from across campus. Our goal is to provide technology that balances quality, performance and cost-effectiveness that meets the needs of our diverse customer base. See FAQ for custom products below.

Fulfillment Questions

How long will it take to receive the technology once the order is submitted?
Fulfillment timelines depend on the speed of AggieBuy approvals in your department and if inventory is in stock. Inventory availability will be listed on the website. If inventory is in stock, delivery could take as little as two days.

Will the computer be pre-configured/imaged?
We will fulfill the specific imaging requests of your department. Imaging preferences are finalized during the onboarding process.

Will the technology be put into inventory?
All equipment that meets inventory thresholds will have an asset tag assigned and be added to your inventory in FAMIS. Once you receive and deploy the technology, you should update the specific location and verify all inventory information in Canopy/FAMIS.

Where will technology be delivered?
Technology ordered through TechHub will be delivered to your department's designated location. We will work with each department to identify a designated location.

Purchaser Questions

How do you find a customer/recipient's UIN?
UINs for customers and recipients can be found in Texas A&M's Microsoft Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory). It is important to use the customer's UIN in the order.

Type the customer/recipient's NetID in the search bar to pull up their directory page. Select "Properties" to find the Employee ID. This is the customer's UIN.

What account number should be used for a TechHub purchase?
The correct account number will depend on the department/unit of the recipient or customer. If you know the specific account number for the purchase, please add it in the checkout form. If you are not sure which account number to use, leave the field blank and the department allocator/approver will fill in the account number.
If you are making a bulk purchase, let us know you have additional account numbers in the order comments section, and we will send you a template to add additional details.

How do you use the Department code lookup?
Select the University member (ex. Texas A&M University), Division/College Unit (ex. Agriculture and Life Sciences) and then type the name of the department into the search box (ex. Nutrition). If you are unable to find the appropriate code, try different portions of the department name to narrow down the list. If in doubt, speak to your department's finance team to determine which code you should be using for TechHub purchases.

What happens when a TechHub cart is submitted?
Once the cart is submitted, a requisition is created in AggieBuy. The requisition is routed to a department allocator who can update or add the appropriate account number if needed. The purchase routes through a budget check and a final department approval before converting to a Purchase Order. Once the PO is created, TechHub begins the fulfillment process and deploys the hardware to the designated location. Once received, an invoice is submitted in AggieBuy and routes through the department for approval before being paid.

How do you place a bulk order?
Any item purchased in quantities of 10 or more is considered a bulk order. Add all technology and the needed quantities to your cart and submit your order. You will receive a template for your bulk order so you can add additional shipping or billing details.

How do you place a custom order?
TechHub does not accept requests for single custom items. A custom order form for ten or more custom items is available. Please review the standard offerings before placing a custom order. TechHub works to ensure our standard offerings match what most faculty and staff need. If you need custom accessories, please order those as you did before.

Can you use Procurement cards to make a purchase?
No. Procurement cards have transaction fees, and we are working to avoid fees and increase cost savings for departments and the university. We are integrating TechHub with AggieBuy to streamline the purchase process and will continue to improve our purchasing processes to make them quick, convenient, and efficient.

If I have more questions, where do I find the answers?
Please check the User manual, TechHub website or email

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