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TechHub - Texas A&M's Technology Store

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The purpose of the TechHub Advisory Group is to ensure the products offered through TechHub provide value and meet the needs of campus members, as well as to advise and provide feedback on TechHub and its processes. 


The TechHub Advisory Group will be comprised of members appointed from across campus and ex officio members of the TechHub team.

  • Open Access Labs (1 member)
  • Instructional Media Services (1 member)
  • Technology Services, Unified Endpoint Management (1 member)
  • Academic Operations and Strategic Partnerships & Alliance (6 members)
  • Faculty (1 member)
  • Non-IT Staff (1 member)

The TechHub team will lead and coordinate regular advisory group meetings. Group members will be asked to serve two-year terms with approximately half the group appointed each year. Subject matter experts will be invited to join advisory group meetings as needed.


The TechHub Advisory Group will perform the following tasks:

  • Represent the technology needs of employees across campus. 
  • Review proposed technology products and specifications once vetted by the TechHub team.
  • Provide input on technology specifications levels (base, mid and high).
  • Propose new products that should be considered and vetted.
  • Advocate for the TechHub program and communicate TechHub activities to stakeholders.

TechHub is developing a product selection process which will include input from a TechHub Advisory Group comprised of IT staff from across campus.

See the TechHub Product Selection Process.


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